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What type of scanners are used in libraries?

2019/1/9      view:

Is the library scan gun scanning brand good? Books are accessible to us in our daily lives. You can pick up a book at random, and you will find a bar code in the lower right corner of the book, but there are two strings of numbers, not to the top and bottom of the bar code. The numbers below are the numbers represented by the bar code, and the numbers above are called ISBN codes. The ISBN code is called the World Book Specification Code. It consists of a group number - publisher code - serial number - check code. Such as ISBN 7-5399-2667-1. The bar code below is the application of the product barcode on the book logo. The barcode of each book is unique. It is like the same ID number of the book. It records the publishing house, copyright and other identification of the book, in order to facilitate the processing of the book.


You might ask, "Would you scan a bar code on a book for a dedicated barcode scanner?" In fact, the bar code of the book is a very general one-dimensional bar code (mostly EA13 code). It does not require a dedicated scanner. It can be used with a general one-dimensional bar code scanner.


With the barcode scanner, how do you use the scanner? In fact, the use of the bar code scanner is the same as that of the supermarket. First of all, you need a software for the book management system. It contains information about all the books, including the publishers, copyrights, and prices of the books we talked about before. There is information about the location of the book on which shelf may have been borrowed, etc., facilitating the operator to easily track the item and check its position at any time. We should all have the experience of going to the library to borrow books. We will have a receipt for the book after borrowing the book, and we will record the relevant information inside.


What type of scanners are used in libraries? We say that we only need to use a general one-dimensional barcode scanner. However, there are too many brands and types of scanners, and the prices are not the same. How to quickly select the right ones is really a problem. Hanyang's skills are based on years of experience in the sale of barcode scanners, as well as the understanding of the use of scanners by customer groups in various industries.

Customers feedback our YHD-8200, YHD-3600, YHD-5100 series bar code scanner are perfect for libraries.